Dealing with Toxic People: Protecting Your Peace and Well-Being
Understanding toxic relationships and learning strategies to protect your well-being using Stoic philosophy. Explore practical techniques for managing negativity and setting boundaries.
Have you ever had a friend who gradually became a source of stress rather than support? I remember one such friend—let’s call him John. John and I met in high school, and we bonded over our shared interest in gaming and had countless late-night conversations. For years, I considered him my best friend. But over time, I noticed changes. Our talks shifted from mutual encouragement to him constantly venting negativity. He began to belittle my achievements, started making jokes at my expense, and showed a lack of respect for my time by frequently arriving late or canceling plans last minute. It felt like everything I valued in our friendship was slowly slipping away.
One evening, after sharing news about a promotion I was excited about, John responded with sarcasm and insinuated that I didn't deserve it. I felt disturbed and confused. This wasn't the friend I once knew. I realized that his negativity was affecting my inner peace and happiness. I tried talking with John several times about …